I was talking to a friend recently about my work as a nutrition coach. Although a fitness professional, he assumed that only people who wanted to lose weight could benefit from my services.
Once again, I was confronted with the unfortunate reality that most people assume that only dieters would benefit from nutritional coaching.
I can tell you that even my mom found it hard to find the enthusiasm to try: far from being overweight at 48kg, she was in fact plagued by numerous chronic ailments!
If even the people around me had this vision of my activity, what would happen to people who had never been interested in this field?
I had to react and help them broaden their perspective.
Nutrition is about so much more than weight loss, and if you don't share this view, you risk missing out on an incredibly simple yet extremely powerful tool for your health and your life in general.
1. Healthy weight = healthy body composition?
The weight displayed by your scale comes down to a number. Indeed, if your Body Mass Index or BMI (weight divided by height squared, e.g. for a woman measuring 165 cm and weighing 70kg: [70/(165 squared)]) is within the norm, you're considered "healthy".
That said, we need to go beyond this initial figure and look at what your weight is made up of.
Have you ever heard the term "skinny fat", referring to an appearance that's both lean and fat? You can be very light, but do you know your ratio of body fat to muscle mass? You can look very thin (but also "flabby") when you lack exercise and your body is crying out for a more nutrient-rich diet (useful calories vs. empty calories).
What's more, you can be technically "fat" if you have too much adipose tissue in proportion to your lean body mass.
With little or no physical activity, your muscles lack stimulation and atrophy. Between the ages of 20 and 30, you may have been able to afford it. Over time, we all experience a loss of muscle mass (and therefore strength) known as sarcopenia, resulting from the natural aging process.
2. Healthy weight = healthy lifestyle?
Unlike good health, being in pain is not our normal state. Illness ("mal a dit") indicates that the general balance (or homeostasis) has been compromised. Pain's role is to let you know that something is wrong.
Listen to your body instead of masking its messages with chemical drugs. Find the cause of your symptoms. Taking a pill for heartburn or acid reflux can damage your digestive system over the long term. You should leave the table feeling energized and satisfied, not lethargic, heavy and cramped.
Did you know that your intestinal flora is home to your immune system? You may be unaware of allergies to foods that cause chronic inflammation. Or perhaps you've had to take antibiotics repeatedly or over a long period of time. Are you "addicted" to sugar? Sugar feeds the wrong type of bacteria in your intestines.
We've just scratched the tip of the iceberg. As you can see, this doesn't always have a direct link with your weight, and yet your diet can help relieve many disorders.
3. Standard weight = healthy relationship with food?
Not a day goes by without its surprising share of questions and observations. It's common for fitness instructors to skip a meal because they "don't have time to eat", or for me to be asked which foods fall into the category of lean protein source. Similarly, many people on the popular diet demonizing carbohydrates are shocked to learn that vegetables belong to this macronutrient family!
How many of us are still afraid to eat butter and egg yolks because of our cholesterol levels and waistline? Depriving yourself of specific foods for fear of putting on weight is the best way to whet your appetite for them.
Question your knowledge, be humble and become a lifelong learner. You can look and feel great. Perfect. You think you've acquired enough skills and mastered your diet.
Even if you don't have any weight to lose, what's the price? For some: deprivation, frustration, cravings, eating under the influence of emotion in order to stifle it, and thoughts constantly occupied with food. "Have I eaten too much, I feel guilty?", "What can I allow myself at my next meal?" or "Can't wait to eat, I'm so hungry!".
This vicious circle is neither funny nor normal (though common!) and no, it's certainly not worth chocolate-bar abs. Again, a holistic approach to nutrition coaching will help you finally make peace and heal your relationship with food as well as your body schema. Both skinny patients and compulsive eaters are welcomed with compassion and kindness.
4. Healthy weight = healthy family and environment?
Last but not least, what and how you eat has more influence than you might think. In the long term, your eating habits have an impact on those around you, as well as your environment.
Chances are, you're taking care of someone, like your children or an elderly relative. Most likely, you're responsible for preparing meals or lunch boxes for your partner and family.
Occasionally, you invite friends to your table. Every time you shop and choose a menu, you're going to inspire the loved ones with whom you cook and share a meal. For better or for worse!
Have you ever thought about this kind of responsibility? You set the example. If you set yourself the goal of doing a little more, a little better when it comes to food, you'll feel the butterfly effect.
Children have a natural inclination towards well-being and are particularly sensitive to the effects of diet, which can increase or decrease their energy. Being creative and curious, make sure you preserve these qualities as they grow. No one is born with an innate attraction to fast food. Irrepressible cravings and the urge to gorge ourselves are not normal consequences of our evolution. Basically, we're programmed to seek out what our bodies (and brains!) need to function optimally.
By choosing unprocessed organic, local or sustainable products, you'll be taking care not only of yourself and your loved ones, but also of our planet. Let me remind you that you're voting with your own money for every franc you spend. You're paying for a service or a product. Make sure you believe in it and that your purchase is in line with your fundamental values before supporting a brand.
Your farmers, the animals treated decently and the land worked with respect will be grateful. Another wonderful domino effect!