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Writer's pictureIsabelle Currat Coaching

Top tips for healthy eating when traveling

Lots of people find it difficult to make smart food choices when spending time abroad for business or simply enjoying a holiday.

Clients told me countless times that they were doing well in terms of nutrition before taking a vacation and suddenly fell off the wagon. Can you guess what happened? Most days, reasons sound a lot like this: “The only thing they had on the menu in Italy was pasta or pizza, so there was nothing I could do”.


While options will become scarcer in a foreign location than in your home country, you can choose to remain empowered by using your creativity and applying some basic nutritional strategies at mealtime.

Truth is, it does not have to be complicated or perfect. Get rid of the “all or nothing” mentality and get used to dealing with a continuum of food choices- from smarter to less ideal. With a little practice, treating yourself with ice cream for dessert will no longer mean overindulging for the rest of the day… or your whole trip!

Implement some of the tricks below, or even all of them, to easily stay on track with your health habits!

1. Be prepared

If you are flying, bear in mind that most companies offer a selection of specific meals, from vegetarian to low-calorie, to name a few. Ask for the one that matches your fitness routine and goals. Even better, bring some of your own food if you can. Hard-boiled eggs, celery and carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, canned tuna, fruit, mixed nuts and (preferably home-made) protein bars are great portable choices.

If you are running out of time, you can always buy something at the airport. The only times I visit a fast-food joint is before boarding to buy fresh fruit bags and couple of chicken salads. I generally hold off the croutons and cheese due to intolerance and opt for the vinaigrette dressing on the side (the less ingredients, the better). Is it ideal? Probably not, but this very decent meal will keep me satiated for a while without making me sluggish or sick. Not to mention it will prevent me from eating plane-food because I am literally starving and depleted of any willpower.

Sometimes, I even manage to find amazing alternatives before taking off and really enjoy them when up in the air. Organic coffee places and restaurant are trendy right now. Look for them and you might be pleasantly surprised to find solutions that work for you!

2. Book the right accommodation

Before making a reservation for a room, check out the available equipment. I personally love staying at a hotel-apartment or in a place with a decent-sized fridge and kitchenette. This allows me to store my beloved almond milk, eggs and other provisions that either fly with me or that I buy on-site.

If you prefer a regular hotel, have a look at the mini-markets nearby where you can stack on supplies (all it takes is a quick search on Google). Should your accommodation offer a breakfast buffet, chances are high you will be able to pick nutritious foods such as eggs, cheese, cold cuts, fruit, veggies and porridge. If you want to occasionally savor waffles or pancakes with maple syrup, be our guest. We are fine with that, as long as you enjoy them slowly and mindfully. Try to do this on a day when you know you will be active so that you will put this additional energy to use. May we suggest an excursion or a visit to your resort’s gym?

3. Don’t assume -ask fearlessly

About to order the catch of the day? Ask the waiter how your fish will be cooked so that you can avoid the unpleasant surprise to have your dish deep-fried with nutrient-poor batter and canola oil when you expected it steamed.

Make sure you know as well what is served on the side. Fries, rice and even veggies are common accompaniments. Most places happily substituted grains for salad or greens at no extra charge when I told them about intolerance. If you do not want your food sunken in gravy, have the sauce served on the side.

Let go of the fear of looking “high maintenance”. I got used to friends making fun of me and laughing at my fancy requirements. As long as you ask nicely, nobody can argue with them. In the end of the day, I get to eat what I need to feel, perform and look great. Definitely worth the occasional potential for embarrassment in my view!

Worst-case scenario, people will say no. It often means the ingredients are not freshly prepared (isn’t crisp lettuce an average staple in all good restaurants?) or that they have been sitting on the counter for a while. You can then peacefully leave the place and be glad you avoided a potential food poisoning!

4. Check the menu beforehand

You are more likely to stick to your decision to go for a healthy meal by making it a deal with yourself beforehand.

Most eating-places display their menus online. Have a look at them in advance whenever you can. This will help you avoid impulsive choices that will leave you heavy, lethargic and disappointed for giving in to temptation.

Should you hang out with someone you trust, turn them into your accountability-partner and let them know about your plan. Having them involved is a great tool to keep you on track. It is harder to bargain with a friend than with yourself (“I will punish myself and make up for that triple chocolate dessert with a hardcore treadmill session”)!

5. Find balance and let go of the vicious deprivation circle

Maybe you are on a holiday. Or visiting a new country for work related matters. Remember that food forms part of every culture. The last thing you want is to go back home and feel like you missed out on opportunities to taste dishes you did not even know existed. Who knows if you ever get a chance to try them again?

Holding off burgers and fries? High fives my dear! Skipping the local specialty because it seems to contain cream or any ingredient that is not a regular staple in your diet? You will likely leave this exotic place with regrets.

Our coaching philosophy relies on achieving balance and getting rid of the vicious deprivation circle. You can absolutely enjoy some meals out of your ordinary routine once in a while. This belongs to the joys of being away from home.

The key? Just notice when you are about to overdo it. No matter what you decide to eat, flex your mindfulness muscles. Be fully present with your food. Look at it, smell it and really t-a-s-t-e it. Take breaks in between bites. Participate in the conversations and engage on a deeper level with the people sitting with you at the table. Sense the atmosphere.

Despite indulging more than usual, you might even lose weight during your time off. This is how powerful your mindset can be. Feeling more relaxed, getting plenty of rest and entertained by new adventures all contribute to help you forget about your fears of gaining weight. Letting go usually turns out to be extremely liberating- all the more for control freaks!

After all, there is only so much culinary treats will satisfy you once you find the systems that match your life and deeper purpose. If you had to live off chocolate and whipped cream (or crisps, should you rather crave savory delicacies), it would only take a few days for you to get bored of them!

Imagine what it would feel like to trust your ability to come back to your routine whenever needed. To be able to rely on a set of healthy habits you already acquired for life and that you can always revert to. You will actually be looking forward to getting back to your regular patterns.

Still struggling to determine how and what to eat? Reach out and have a look at our coaching programs. We are always delighted to help and watch you thrive!

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